I just upgraded from Ubuntu 13.10 to Ubuntu 14.04. However, after I had entered the username and password the computer froze. Unity just appears to hang. I fixed this by reinstalling Unity.
Note – this problem might have be caused by the upgrade process. I’m not sure it was related to this error message:
(gtk-update-icon-cache:19911): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory This likely means that your installation is broken. Try running the command gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache to make things work again for the time being.
I tried running gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache but this didn’t seem to fix the problem.
Step 1 – Get into the terminal
You enter the terminal by holding down ctrl-atl and pressing f2. You can actually press any of the f (function) key and you get a new terminal.
Step 2 – Reinstall Unity and the Ubuntu-Desktop
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get install unity sudo reboot
Several people had added additional steps that worked for them. So, please read the comments. I considered modifying the original post but there are several variations on the theme.
This post is getting quite a lot of views. Could you please add a comment if this solution worked or didn’t work for you? It would help me improve the post. Thanks.
That didn’t work for me…
This was my solution to bring my desktop back.
sudo su
apt-get install –reinstall ubuntu-desktop
apt-get install unity
apt-get purge nvidia* bumblebee*
apt-get install nvidia-prime
shutdown -r now
When the computer fully restarts. Login and wait a few minutes, finally the desktop loaded.
Thanks for taking the time to explain what worked for you.
I seem to have the same problem that you dd. I installed an nvidia driver, then bumblebee. I tried running your command set, but my problem persists. Any further suggestions?
These instructions worked for me.
I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10 and then immediately to 14.04, and experienced this problem. LightDM loaded up, but in low res and only showed on one of two my monitors. Logging in to Unity or Gnome just resulted in a blank background with working mouse cursor. Running startx from a console window showed some error to do with modprobe and nvidia-331.
These steps fixed the problem, though, thanks!
In my case the desktop is not totally frozen, there is a working mouse cursor, but nothing else but the background image is displayed.
The solution here didn’t work for me.
I think that this might be a separate issue. This occurs to me when the computer is suspended and unsuspended. I haven’t been able to find the solution for this. Could you let me know if you find a solution. Thanks.
I have the same issue! Did you ever find a solution?
Thank you both James and easyrecipes109921 , the second solution with the addition from easyrecipes109921 of purging nvidia worked for me, very much appreciated.
sudo su
apt-get install –reinstall ubuntu-desktop
apt-get install unity
apt-get purge nvidia* bumblebee*
apt-get install nvidia-prime
shutdown -r now
I had the same problem as Damien described and the same solution worked for me
I had the same issue as Nicolas and followed similar steps to easyrecipes109921, these steps worked for me:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install –reinstall ubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install unity
sudo apt-get remove –purge nvidia*
shutdown -r now
Once started I was able to log in normally and then reinstall the Nvidia drivers
Thanks, spent hours removing, installing, reinstalling, updating and every time it would still freeze after login.
sudo apt-get remove –purge nvidia*
with the * to remove ALL nvidia packages finally did the trick for me.
Thank you all.
The solution from Damien worked for me. It makes sense, since my trouble started after
I tried to install some Nvidia drivers.
Not work, im not have NVIDIA drivers, i’ve intel integrated graphics card
Upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04, bad and slow video, tried to install AMD drivers but it was conflicting with older Fglrx. I tryed to remove that in “gentle” way,with no success. so I decided to force remove,did the remove, than restart,login and nothing else but I was able to play with mouse cursor. No luck with instructions up. I install a second desktop enviroment called Xubuntu,that works. It seems we have to wait for better solution.
at login screen: shift+f1
your login name
sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
and next login choose the xubuntu icon(little mouse)
at least I am able to access my files
What Damien listed worked for me. Thanks a lot for sharing.
thanks! it worked for me with the addition of: sudo apt-get purge nivdia*
Have done same as Damien can finally move mouse but when I click to open anything nothing happens ?
+1 to the purge of nvidia drivers. Cheers guys
i have the same problem on linux mint , switched from 15 to 16, and had mouse but no lign screen. switched then to 17 just using terminal user mode. i can login with gui, but then i get black screen with arrow. even tryed to re-install xorg server but nothing happens. any hints? i’m thinking about a plain new install but i had so much software and stuff on that machine. cheers . anyone solved this ? i’m on 32 bit eepc asus 1025c, no nvidia drivers .
I’ve encountered this problem a few times.
It is usually occurs after kernel updates.
For me the NVIDIA Drivers mess up the whole system.
All you need to do is reinstall the NVIDIA drivers.
Download the latest NVIDIA Drivers from NVIDIA website first ! (for example)
wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/340.32/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64.340.32.run
chmod a+x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64.340.32.run
sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64.340.32.run
Good luck..
I had already done
apt-get install –reinstall ubuntu-desktop
apt-get install unity
So I skipped to
sudo su
apt-get purge nvidia* bumblebee*
apt-get install nvidia-prime
shutdown -r now
I logged back into my system and still had the same background screen and mouse. Thought it hadn’t worked. Cntrl+Alt+F7 brought up the desktop with the keyboard menu and my app icons started to populate. Hit Alt to close the menu as it disables the mouse (did on mine) and now it works like normal.
Thanks for feedback.
I had the issue of being able to login and then having the desktop freeze with just the background image showing. I had recently installed nvidia-current, but was able to boot/reboot a few times afterward. I was able to fix the issue by using the above:
apt-get install –reinstall ubuntu-desktop
apt-get install –reinstall unity
apt-get purge nvidia* bumblebee*
apt-get install nvidia-prime
Hope this helps others, and good idea asking others to post what actually worked!
Thank you so much! I regained my favourite OS!
hey, this also occurs when u r in a hurry-burry and press some key.. which happened with me.. just reboot again and wait for atleast 5 min. then you will find ur desktop being opened..