I was trying to setup a KVM host with some KVM virtual machines on Ubuntu 13.04 Server. It was a fresh install on a HP DL360. However, there seemed to be a fundamental problem with KVM / virsh / virt-install.
When trying to install a virtual machine using virt-install with this command.
virt-install --accelerate -v -w bridge:br0 -m DE:AD:BE:EF:04:7B -n test1 --vcpus=2 -r 4096 --os-variant=ubuntuprecise --vnc --import --disk path=/home/me/vm.qcow2
I get this error:
ERROR internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: W: kvm binary is deprecated, please use qemu-system-x86_64 instead
It seems like a serious problem but it isn’t. I just should have put sudo in the front.
<strong>sudo</strong> virt-install --accelerate -v -w bridge:br0 -m DE:AD:BE:EF:04:7B -n test1 --vcpus=2 -r 4096 --os-variant=ubuntuprecise --vnc --import --disk path=/home/me/vm.qcow2
I hope this helps you because I wasted quite some time reading Ubuntu bug reports. Why can’t the system designers detect that the user didn’t have permissions and throw sensible errors?