The Teamviewer daemon is not running – please start the daemon ubuntu

I have just started using Teamviewer on Ubuntu 13.10 to help a few people setup some software on their computers. When I try and launch it pops up a dialogue saying:

The TeamViewer daemon is not running!

Please start the daemon (needs root permissions) before running TeamViewer

teamviewer –daemon start

Trying “sudo teamviewer –daemon start” doesn’t actually do anything – so the solution is to:

sudo teamviewer --daemon enable

17 thoughts to “The Teamviewer daemon is not running – please start the daemon ubuntu”

  1. Best solution is this one:
    cp /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.service /etc/init.d/teamviewerd
    service teamviewerd start

    if you need it automatically starting you can use:
    update-rc.d teamviewerd defaults

  2. Thu Feb 2 13:24:06 EST 2017
    Action: Installing daemon (12.0.71510) for ‘upstart’ …
    installing /etc/init/teamviewerd.conf (/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.DEB.conf)
    initctl start teamviewerd
    initctl: Job is already running: teamviewerd


  3. I checked other forum post and blog post but not getting proper resolution. Getting following error, please help me with this,

    2019/11/01 14:52:21.486 17180 4115188544 S CInterProcessNetwork::NewInterProcessDataAvailable(): ConnectionClosed session=4294967295 ptype=2
    2019/11/01 14:52:21.486 17180 4115188544 S UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
    2019/11/01 14:52:21.738 17180 4123581248 S CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
    2019/11/01 14:52:21.779 17180 4123581248 S!! Process IPC connection failed, session not found: type = 2 pid = 17201
    2019/11/01 14:52:37.739 17180 4115188544 S CTcpProcessConnector::HandleRead(): Socket gracefully closed (PID=17201)
    2019/11/01 14:52:37.739 17180 4115188544 S CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): PID=17201
    2019/11/01 14:52:37.739 17180 4115188544 S CInterProcessNetwork::NewInterProcessDataAvailable(): ConnectionClosed session=4294967295 ptype=2
    2019/11/01 14:52:37.739 17180 4115188544 S UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
    2019/11/01 14:52:37.992 17180 4123581248 S CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
    2019/11/01 14:52:38.035 17180 4131973952 S!! Process IPC connection failed, session not found: type = 2 pid = 17201

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