I had a problem installing Teamviewer on Ubuntu 13.10. This is an awesome tool for helping to remote desktop into other Linux or Windows machines. I downloaded the .deb file but when installing it complained:
unresolvable dependency: lib32asound2
I did some research and some various solutions including installing the package which has been removed from Ubuntu:
The lib32asound2 package is deleted from saucy: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/amd64/lib32asound2
You can download lib32asound2 from: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/amd64/lib32asound2/1.0.25-4ubuntu4
Direct link for a .deb download for lib32asound2: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/139194357/lib32asound2_1.0.25-4ubuntu4_amd64.deb
So, I downloaded the .deb for this package but got even more dependency errors including:
dpkg: error processing lib32asound2_1.0.25-4ubuntu4_amd64.deb (–install):
cannot access archive: No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing:
The Solution:
The solution for me was to install a different Teamviewer installer:
God knows why this teamviewer.deb worked for me but it did.
Thank you!
Thanks Man!!! Ok in my laptop.
Thanks…This is the only thing that worked for me.
Same to me. After hours of research
Sres. de Teamviewer: La ULTIMA versión de su software para Linux x64 incluye como dependencia una libreria (ia32-libs) que es OBSOLETA, concretamente de los repositorios del 2012 refiriéndome a la versión de Ubuntu 12.xx. Procuren actualizar su software porque instalarlo en esas versiones o superiores es EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE difícil, siendo necesario hacer un “downgrade” de los repositorios a ese año para conseguirlo.
Muchas gracias por su atención.
Running that through Google translate… Teamviewer Messrs . The ULTIMA version of its software for Linux x64 included as a library dependency ( ia32 -libs ) that is OBSOLETE , specifically repositories of 2012 referring to the version of Ubuntu 12.xx. Try to update your software that install on these versions or higher is EXTREMELY difficult , being necessary to make a ” downgrade ” repositories for that year to get it.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Just install the 32 bit version of Teamviewer on 64 bit machines PS Skype 64 bit has the same solution, install the 32 bit version.
Works perfectly.
Great. I’ve added that to the post.