Family Friendly Walk Around Champex-Lac

Champex-Lac is a beautiful place for visit.   Here is a short child / family friendly walk around Champex-Lac – although alot more exciting than just walking around the lake.   We have two 7 and 9 year old girls and it took around 2hrs with a picnic lunch.   It’s around 4.5km with 250m accent.  The northside is quite steep – so you get really good views out over the lake.

Walk Around Champex Lac

You can park in the carpark which is just off the main road.    Then follow the lake around until you get to the chapel.  Follow the parth which goes up passed a pretty stream.  You have get back to the main road, then walk through some housing up onto path which skirts around and above the town.  You can then have a drink at the Hotel Belvedere where the owners are really charming and friendly.

We were walking in early April and so the lake was still frozen.

Having a lovely picnic next to the chapel.

Amazing views.

Having a drink and ice cream.

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